NAMI New Jersey (National Alliance on Mental Health)
(732) 940-0991
North Brunswick

NAMI New Jersey (NAMI NJ) is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.
Through education, support, advocacy, and public awareness programs NAMI NJ fosters understanding about mental illness, confronts stigma often associated with mental disorders, advocates for public policies that benefit those affected by mental illness, and promotes research into the causes, treatment, and recovery of mental health disorders.
Family-To-Family Education
Family-To-Family Education is a peer family education program designed to foster learning, healing and empowerment among families of individuals with serious mental illness. The curriculum focuses on three major psychiatric illnesses (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression), and emphasizes the clinical treatment of these illnesses.
In Our Own Voice
In Our Own Voice (IOOV) is a NAMI program, developed nationally and sponsored around the state by NAMI NJ, designed to train individuals with various mental health conditions, to give presentations about their illness and recovery.
NAMI Connection
NAMI Connection is a weekly recovery support group for people living with mental illness in which people learn from each others’ experiences, share coping strategies, and offer each other encouragement and understanding.
Hearts and Minds
Research has demonstrated that people living with severe psychiatric conditions may have an increased risk of heart disease and related conditions. NAMI New Jerseys Hearts & Minds program seeks to raise awareness and provide information on diabetes, diet, exercise, and smoking.
School Education Programs
NAMI NJ School Education Programs' goals are to educate children and adults about mental health and mental illness and to provide educators with knowledge and strategies that help children and teens succeed in school and lead successful lives.
Children Information Services
Families with children with special mental health needs benefit from the support and expertise of organizations whose staff know first-hand the issues they confront every day. At the same time, families need to connect with each other.
Veterans Information Program
NAMI New Jersey’s focus for veterans support is educating its members and the mental health community on veterans and their families unique needs and culture, supporting veterans and/or their families with serious mental illnesses, and working in cooperation and coordination with New Jersey State and Federal Veterans Affairs leadership to advocate for veteran services.
Expressive Arts Network
The NAMI NJ Expressive Arts Network promotes opportunities for creative efforts to lessen the stigma surrounding mental illness, provides opportunities for consumer artists and writers to showcase their work, and promotes the use of the expressive arts as a mode of self-expression.
Law Enforcement Education
The NAMI NJ Law Enforcement Education Program is dedicated to ensuring that law enforcement officers and recruits receive mental illness education, and to promoting cooperation and communication between county criminal justice and mental health systems throughout the state.
Multicultural Outreach
As a self-help organization, NAMI NJ is especially sensitive to the concept of mutual caring and responsibility implicit in family relationships and reaching out in that context to families from various cultures that are affected by serious mental illness.
NIMH Outreach Partnership
NAMI NJ is one of the 51 organizations around the country partnering with the National Institute of Mental Health(NIMH) to conduct mental health outreach and education for the public, health professionals, K-12 schools, minorities, and other populations such as youth and older adults using mental health-related information provided by NIMH or other sources.
Clinical Trials & Research Projects Information
NAMI NJ compiles statewide and nationwide research projects and clinical trials related to mental disorders.
Mental Illness Awareness Week
Every year, the first week of October is designated as a week to raise awareness about serious mental illness. NAMI affiliates plan several events, including iris plantings, candlelight vigils, displays in public libraries, and other similar events.
NAMI New Jersey Awards
NAMI New Jersey presents awards to recognize the efforts of mental health advocates to improve the lives of those affected by mental illness.
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Arts & RecreationBasic Needs / AssistanceCommunityEducationLegal / Advocacy |
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Behavioral / Mental HealthCrisis / Safety |
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Last Updated: 05/10/24