Welcome to Monmouth ResourceNet

We provide a wide range of information about support, resources, and services for the residents of Monmouth County, NJ. It is a collaboration between Monmouth ACTS  and MonmouthCares, Inc. Brochures: English - Spanish - B&W

How can the ResourceNet help you?

Residents can find specific recreational activities, health providers, support groups, and events in your area. If you are a resident of Monmouth County, NJ, please subscribe to our Weekly Events and News.

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Health Providers and Community Organizations are able to list their community and health resources, hotlines, support groups, and events. Do you provide services in Monmouth County?

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988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States. (Servicios En Español)

Online Parent and Caregiver Toolkit: Guide to Navigating Youth Behavioral Health

The Parent /Caregiver Toolkit, developed by the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide, consolidates a comprehensive array of local, national, and online resources, providing a one-stop destination for families seeking guidance and assistance. It is not just a tool, it's a compassionate guide that fosters understanding, facilitates communication, and ensures vital information is readily available to those who need it. Register/Login (access code: Monmouth County)

Monmouth ACTS - Serving You Better. Together.

Monmouth ACTS (Assisting Community Through Services) is an innovative public-private partnership (the first of its kind in New Jersey!) that brings together Monmouth County government employees and their counterparts in the private/nonprofit sector to find effective ways to meet today’s human service needs. This group works together to streamline and improve access to services in mental health, addiction, aging, housing, childcare, transportation, and much more. These key issues were identified by a comprehensive Human Services Needs Assessment. Working groups or "Hubs" were created to address those needs. For the Fact Sheet Click Here. For updates Click here.

Emergency Rescue Mortgage Assistance program (ERMA) was developed to assist eligible NJ homeowners who have been financially affected by COVID-19. The program will help homeowners bring their mortgages and other housing-related expenses current. Apply here. Call 855-647-7700 or visit the website.

Monmouth ACTS Navigation System 732-683-8959

Monmouth ACTS Launches Navigation System - The Navigation System integrates live support with a state-of-the-art electronic referral system. Residents may call the Warm Line at 732-683-8959 Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. A social worker will ask the resident questions to better understand their unique needs, before connecting them to potential resources in the Monmouth County area, including County Departments and Divisions, social service agencies and the many organizations that make up Monmouth ACTS.

Monmouth ACTS - Monmouth County Wellness Transportation 732 431-7448 

MonmouthACTS on the Move - We now provide Free Transportation. Monmouth County has partnered with EZ Ride to provide essential transportation services for residents who face challenges accessing necessary transportation to doctor's appointments, pharmacy visits, health department events and access to food shopping and food pantries. See Guidelines   Flyer

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MonmouthCares Welcomes Five New Board Members

Executive Director, Marin Kirby De Leon, said “I am thrilled to be welcoming five amazing additions to our Board of Trustees at MonmouthCares. While we focused this year on welcoming volunteers with fiscal management experience, we are also happy to have new Board members that represent our local social service and school communities."

Local Data for Equitable Communities Call for Proposals

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute are teaming up to launch a new program that offers up to $50,000 in funding to 30 community-based organizations. These projects will use data to address pressing local needs—from housing to transportation to environmental pollution—making strides toward building healthier communities.

Asbury Park Housing Authority Section 8 Waitlist Opens

The Housing Authority of the City of Asbury Park serves low-income residents of Asbury Park, NJ, and surrounding areas through housing subsidy programs. The Waitlist opens on February 14, 2025 at 9 AM.  It closes on February 19, 2025 at 5 PM.

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