Community Resource

Country Roads Day Camp

(732) 446-4100

Country Roads Day Camp

Youth camp.

Camp Dates: June 24th 2024 - August 16th 2024

Link to Register

Almost 100% of our group leaders and counselors who work directly with your children are “Country Roaders.” This means they have grown up at Country Roads as campers and want to pass down their happiest years at camp to the next generation of campers.

From the very first day of camp, the staff is having their campers bond as instant friends…from making a group banner and marching into the pow-wow together, being in a talent show, writing and singing a group rap song, or going on a treasure hunt…our upbeat, caring and talented staff is the key to our happy campers. The high energy college group leaders together with our nurturing junior counselors (all of whom trained in our CIT program), and the staff of teachers who are division leaders and specialists, create a dynamite team for all the campers.  

We hire all our counselors directly from our CIT program. Be the best JC ever and join our team, securing your job a year in advance.


Waterpark Sprayground:  Ages 1-100 love this water wonderland consisting of 80 geysers, buckets, jet sprays, fountains, wave tunnel, lemon drops, cross bar jets and many more remote controlled sprays that make the fun always unpredictable and endless.  Added bonus…we heated it!

120 Foot waterslide with non-stop rushing water for a fast slippery ride down, through the tunnel and into the pool.  Plus a 70 foot enclosed tunnel lightning slide splashing your way into our heated pools.

HEATED POOL COMPLEX:  All of our pools are heated.  85-90 degrees is perfect to enjoy swim lessons on those chilly summer mornings; then the heat goes off and the cool waters are refreshing throughout the sunny afternoon free swims.  We have mastered the perfect combination so swimming is enjoyable from sunup to sundown! 

BUBBLE FOAM FRENZY:  Jump into the Party of Bubbles as they bubble over top and take over the pit; you can’t stop laughing until the suds subside!

SUPER SLIP ‘N SLIDE: On land or water we have the most exciting ways to stay cool.  Get a running start, then glide into the longest slip ‘n slide you have ever been on!


Eligibility Children pre-k to 10th grade, ages 3 through 15.

Last Updated: 02/12/24