Community Resource



AllIn4Everyone provides information that youth and young adults find useful or helpful for being included and including others. The site name: AllIn4Everyone, or Allin4E1, literally means All-In-For-Everyone. We provide a variety of resources, such as places that employ people with disabilities, organizations that advocate-support-serve people with disabilities, and media that represents and includes people who have been historically underrepresented.

Cora Guerin (they/them) is the founder of All In 4 Everyone. They created All In 4 Everyone for their Girl Scout Gold Award Project. For the root cause of the project, Cora decided to address the societal stigmatization of neurodivergence, mental health, and disabilities in general. This stigmatization is caused by a lack of understanding, which they hoped to bring to light. 

Cora's vision for All In 4 Everyone is a safe online community for people of all abilities to connect with each other, find resources specifically for them, and to promote inclusivity.

Some examples of inclusivity include:

  • Adding alt-text to images for those who are visually impaired
  • Adding subtitles to audio for those who are deaf/hard of hearing or speak a different language
  • Choosing contrasting colors for designs so content stands out and is easier to see
  • Using large fonts so it's easier to read text

...And more!

Cora is also a freshman at the University of New Haven and is majoring in biology.

Age Groups
  • Adolescents
  • Adults
  • Seniors

Last Updated: 09/28/23