Community Resource

Monmouth County Probation Department

(732) 358-8700 x87904

Monmouth County Probation Department

The Probation Division, as part of the Judiciary, plays a vital role in accomplishing the mission of the Court. The role of the Probation Division is to promote the welfare and safety of children, families, and communities in New Jersey by enforcing court orders, supervising offenders, monitoring behavior, and intervening to produce positive outcomes.

Myra Carter, Chief Probation Officer
(732) 358-8700, ext. 87358

Tara Williams, Asst. Chief Probation Officer, Child Support
(732) 358-8700, ext. 87301

Caitlin Mejia, Asst. Chief Probation Officer, Adult, and Juvenile Supervision
(732) 358-8700, ext. 87344

The Probation Department is the enforcement arm of the state judicial system statutorily responsible for the supervision of offenders placed on probation or other expressly permitted supervision status by any court within the county, and for the collection and disbursement of such payments as are ordered by the court(s). By statute and interstate agreements, the Probation Department is also obligated to provide these services to residents who are under such orders originating outside the county's own jurisdiction. The "calculated risk" which attaches to allowing offenders to remain under supervision in the community demands that supervision services be sufficient to deter further criminality/delinquency.

The department collects and disburses court-ordered levies including victim restitution, fines, and penalties which help to underwrite a variety of law enforcement initiatives and drug/alcohol abuse prevention programs. The department's effective collection of court-ordered child support reduces and even eliminates reliance on public welfare. In connection with offender supervision, case plans predicated on individual risks/needs assessments are developed, modified as necessary, and implemented by probation officers who serve as both direct service providers (i.e., counseling, surveillance, oversight) and as referral agents for specialized services (i.e, substance abuse and psychological treatment). Subsequent unlawful behavior or significant noncompliance is promptly investigated and reported to the court for corrective action. Supervisees and others having knowledge of them are regularly contacted on both a scheduled and unscheduled basis, during and beyond regular business hours.

The Child Support Enforcement Unit monitors more than 15,000 support accounts, locates errant parents under order to pay support, and prepares cases of delinquent payers for return to court. Another specialized unit oversees the performance of many thousand hours of court-ordered community service each year.

Child Support Enforcement
Hotline: 1-800-621-KIDS

Community Services
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Last Updated: 05/10/24