Professional Development

COMPASS ACADEMY: Mental Health Awareness Month: Co-Occurring Disorders

Wednesday, May 29, 2024
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM


COMPASS ACADEMY: Mental Health Awareness Month: Co-Occurring Disorders

Join us for an informative and engaging free webinar for caregivers and educators. This webinar will provide information on Mental Health Awareness Month and co-occurring disorders.

The presenters will discuss the awareness of co-occurring disorders, what they are and why they are important, and treatment options for co-occurring disorders. Don't miss it! This event is open to all New Jersey caregivers, including educators and mental health professionals.


Linda Richter, PhD
Senior Vice President of Prevention Research and Analysis, Partnership to End Addiction

Cori Hammond, MPH
Director of Prevention Services. Partnership to End Addiction

Pat Aussem, LPC, MAC
Vice President of Clinical Content Development, Partnership to End Addiction

Last Updated: 05/03/24